How to Fix a Disabled Facebook Ad Account in 2024

  • 5 mins read
  • By Darian Cordes
  • February 28, 2024

Having your Facebook ad account suddenly disabled can be stressful. Without warning, you lose access to running and managing campaigns.

Revenue is impacted as ads stop serving. There are various reasons an account can be disabled - policy violations, unusual activity, or random bugs. Luckily, you can take steps to fix the issue and complete the recovery process to restore your account.

Understand Why the Account Was Disabled

The first step is determining why Facebook disabled your ad account. Some common reasons include:

  • Policy Violations - running ads that go against Facebook’s advertising policies.
  • Unusual Activity - spikes in spending, creating multiple ad accounts, etc.
  • Suspicious Payment Activity - issues with a linked payment method.
  • Random Bugs - glitches that mistakenly flag accounts.
  • Compromised Account - logins from suspicious locations.

Understanding the backstory will help guide troubleshooting efforts. Violations require policy review. Payment issues need updated billing details. Compromised accounts necessitate password resets.

Check Notification Messages in Ads Manager

Log in to Ads Manager and look for any notifications about why your account was disabled. Facebook sometimes leaves messages explaining the reason, like a policy violation. These notices provide important clues for getting accounts restored.

Contact Facebook Ad Support

Reach out to Facebook ad support through their online contact form. Explain your disabled ad account situation and ask for details regarding why it was taken down. Support can look into your specific case and hopefully provide guidance. Press for specifics.

Review Your Ads and Ad Accounts Thoroughly

Conduct an in-depth review of your ads, landing pages, and ad accounts to try to spot any potential policy violations or red flags. Read Facebook’s advertising policies fully. See if any ads are questionable based on those policies. Take corrective actions as needed.

Request an Account Review

In Ads Manager, find the option to “Request Review” of your disabled ad account and submit it to Facebook. Explain any misunderstandings or incorrect violations cited as reasons for disabling the account. Provide context to get the decision overturned.

Appeal Account Disabling Decision

If your review request gets rejected and your account remains disabled, submit a formal appeal of the decision. Provide a clear explanation and rationale for why you believe the account was disabled incorrectly and should be restored. Add supporting documentation if applicable.

Check for Unresolved Alerts

Log in to the Facebook Business Suite and look under “Alerts” for any unresolved issues flagged on your accounts. Address any policy violation, payment, tax ID verification, or other alerts. Resolving outstanding issues can help reinstate accounts.

Update Payment Methods

If your ad account was disabled due to suspicious payment activity, update your payment details. Remove any cards or methods flagged. Enter new valid billing information and confirm accurate billing addresses on file. Fix payments to get reinstated.

Secure Your Account

If the account was compromised, strengthen security settings. Change your Facebook password and enable two-factor authentication. Remove any suspicious third-party apps or advertising tools. Scan devices used to access the account for malware. Lock it down.

Provide Valid Tax Documentation

Double-check that your tax info and documentation are up to date in Facebook’s system, especially if operating ads internationally across borders. Valid business identification and tax forms prevent account lockouts and restrictions in certain regions.

Wait Out Account Review Periods

Complex account reviews can take over a week in some cases. Be patient and regularly follow up. Ask for status updates from Facebook's support team. Avoid making rapid changes or new ads during the investigation that could complicate matters.


That’s it you can get your disabled Facebook ad account reinstated. Determine the reason for being banned, address any policy issues, strengthen account security, update billing, confirm tax status, and appeal decisions to satisfy Facebook’s requirements so you can resume running campaigns. Don’t give up!

Darian Cordes
CEO of Ecomparkour
As an eCommerce Solutions Provider and Facebook Ad compliance expert, I’m driving success at Ecom Parkour by ensuring that advertising efforts are both impactful and compliant.
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By Darian Cordes
5 mins read

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How to Fix a Disabled Facebook Ad Account in 2024

  • February 28, 2024

Having your Facebook ad account suddenly disabled can be stressful. Without warning, you lose access to running and managing campaigns.

Revenue is impacted as ads stop serving. There are various reasons an account can be disabled - policy violations, unusual activity, or random bugs. Luckily, you can take steps to fix the issue and complete the recovery process to restore your account.

Understand Why the Account Was Disabled

The first step is determining why Facebook disabled your ad account. Some common reasons include:

  • Policy Violations - running ads that go against Facebook’s advertising policies.
  • Unusual Activity - spikes in spending, creating multiple ad accounts, etc.
  • Suspicious Payment Activity - issues with a linked payment method.
  • Random Bugs - glitches that mistakenly flag accounts.
  • Compromised Account - logins from suspicious locations.

Understanding the backstory will help guide troubleshooting efforts. Violations require policy review. Payment issues need updated billing details. Compromised accounts necessitate password resets.

Check Notification Messages in Ads Manager

Log in to Ads Manager and look for any notifications about why your account was disabled. Facebook sometimes leaves messages explaining the reason, like a policy violation. These notices provide important clues for getting accounts restored.

Contact Facebook Ad Support

Reach out to Facebook ad support through their online contact form. Explain your disabled ad account situation and ask for details regarding why it was taken down. Support can look into your specific case and hopefully provide guidance. Press for specifics.

Review Your Ads and Ad Accounts Thoroughly

Conduct an in-depth review of your ads, landing pages, and ad accounts to try to spot any potential policy violations or red flags. Read Facebook’s advertising policies fully. See if any ads are questionable based on those policies. Take corrective actions as needed.

Request an Account Review

In Ads Manager, find the option to “Request Review” of your disabled ad account and submit it to Facebook. Explain any misunderstandings or incorrect violations cited as reasons for disabling the account. Provide context to get the decision overturned.

Appeal Account Disabling Decision

If your review request gets rejected and your account remains disabled, submit a formal appeal of the decision. Provide a clear explanation and rationale for why you believe the account was disabled incorrectly and should be restored. Add supporting documentation if applicable.

Check for Unresolved Alerts

Log in to the Facebook Business Suite and look under “Alerts” for any unresolved issues flagged on your accounts. Address any policy violation, payment, tax ID verification, or other alerts. Resolving outstanding issues can help reinstate accounts.

Update Payment Methods

If your ad account was disabled due to suspicious payment activity, update your payment details. Remove any cards or methods flagged. Enter new valid billing information and confirm accurate billing addresses on file. Fix payments to get reinstated.

Secure Your Account

If the account was compromised, strengthen security settings. Change your Facebook password and enable two-factor authentication. Remove any suspicious third-party apps or advertising tools. Scan devices used to access the account for malware. Lock it down.

Provide Valid Tax Documentation

Double-check that your tax info and documentation are up to date in Facebook’s system, especially if operating ads internationally across borders. Valid business identification and tax forms prevent account lockouts and restrictions in certain regions.

Wait Out Account Review Periods

Complex account reviews can take over a week in some cases. Be patient and regularly follow up. Ask for status updates from Facebook's support team. Avoid making rapid changes or new ads during the investigation that could complicate matters.


That’s it you can get your disabled Facebook ad account reinstated. Determine the reason for being banned, address any policy issues, strengthen account security, update billing, confirm tax status, and appeal decisions to satisfy Facebook’s requirements so you can resume running campaigns. Don’t give up!

We are your trusted marketing partner, specializing in helping you buy Facebook accounts, and dedicated to unlocking your business's full potential.
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