Maximizing ROI with Facebook Ad Bidding Strategies

  • 7 mins read
  • By Darian Cordes
  • March 5, 2024

One of the keys to success with Facebook advertising is implementing the right bidding strategy. 

The bidding on your campaigns determines your daily budget and what users ultimately see in your ads. To maximize ROI, it's crucial to choose and optimize bids based on campaign objectives.

Certain bid types work better for specific goals like conversions, video views, or engagement. Testing and tweaking bids allows you to find the right balance between reach, frequency, and performance. Follow these tips to ensure your Facebook ad bidding aligns with maximizing ROI.

Optimization Bids for Performance Prioritization

For conversion-focused objectives, use bid optimization. Set your campaign to optimize for a goal like purchases, leads, or other conversions rather than impressions. 

Facebook will automatically adjust bids to target users most likely to convert based on data and signals. This typically provides the best ROI.

Lower Cost Per Conversion with CBO

Try campaign budget optimization (CBO) which distributes your daily budget across ad sets to automatically find the best possible ROI. 

Facebook puts more money behind top-performing targets and creativity. CBO minimizes CPC and drives more conversions per dollar.

Meet Objectives within the Target CPA Range

If you have a specific return on ad spend (ROAS) or cost per acquisition (CPA) goal, use target cost bidding optimized for conversions. Set a max/target CPA and Facebook bids to achieve it. Great for maintaining profitability at scale.

Bid Higher for Cold Audiences vs. Retargeting

For top-of-funnel goals with cold audiences, use higher bids to increase reach and impressions to gather data. For lower funnel remarketing, bids can be lower to simply stay visible to existing warm leads and customers. Adjust bids per audience.

Manual Bidding for Control

Manually set bids for full control. Tightly manage bids per placement, audience, daypart, etc. Manual works well for smaller spend campaigns where you need optimization precision. Leverage learnings to guide your bidding decisions.

Meet Business Goals with Return on Ad Spend Bidding

If you want a specific ROAS, use the bid strategy optimized for ROAS. Input your target return (ex. 3X) and Facebook sets bids to achieve that goal. Great for maximizing revenue from campaigns within set profit requirements.

Bid Aggressively for Engagement Objectives

When aiming for engagement like video views, post reactions, shares, etc., bid aggressively to beat competitors. Prioritize reach over targeting here - lower bids will hurt visibility. Maximum rate bidding maximizes delivery for engagement goals.

Bid Higher During High Intent Buying Times

Analyze when your audience is most likely to engage and convert, then increase bids during those high-intent moments. Weekends, evenings for e-commerce; weekdays for B2B; event tie-ins, etc. Ride momentum with bid peaks when audiences are most receptive.

Test and Scale Highest Performing Ad Sets

Let testing determine optimal bids. Start with multiple ad sets at different bid amounts. Scale up bids on outperforming placements, audiences, and creatives achieving KPIs. Reduce poor-performing ad set bids to optimize delivery around what succeeds.

Leveraging the array of smart bidding options on Facebook is pivotal to maximizing your ad ROI. Match bid strategies to overarching campaign goals. Continually test, monitor, and refine bidding for optimal budget allocation and returns. Your bids are a powerful optimization lever.

Bid Down to Kill Poor Performers Gradually

Rather than pausing poorly performing ad sets, lower bids incrementally day-by-day until they phase themselves out. This keeps campaigns running smoothly, allowing time to spin up new creatives and audiences. Gradual tweaks are best.

Schedule Bid Changes Based on Daypart Trends

Use automatic bid scheduling tailored around daypart trends you’ve identified. Raise bids during peak engagement and conversion times; lower them during lulls. Schedule changes ahead of time to optimize daily pacing and performance.

Dynamic Creative Bidding Based on User Data

Let dynamic creative bidding automatically show higher intent users more persuasive versions of your ads. For example, target high-value purchasers with special offers. Personalized creative gets bid up automatically.

Top of Funnel Discovery Campaigns

Run broad-reach discovery campaigns optimized for awareness and data gathering rather than a direct response by bidding for more reach over ROI. Get critical learning about new audiences to build into your marketing funnel.

Video Views Bid Strategy for Maximizing Watch Time

When you want maximum video views and watch time, use one of Facebook's video view-focused bid strategies. Letting Facebook optimize for longer watches will boost visibility and viewership metrics. This is different from your normal campaigns


Maintaining bidding hygiene across campaigns is essential for Facebook advertising success. Align strategies to objectives, act on data, personalize approaches, and iterate frequently. With smart bidding, you get the most bang for your buck.

Darian Cordes
CEO of Ecomparkour
As an eCommerce Solutions Provider and Facebook Ad compliance expert, I’m driving success at Ecom Parkour by ensuring that advertising efforts are both impactful and compliant.
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By Darian Cordes
7 mins read

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Zumba is an effective exercise that burns 600 to 1,000 calories daily. Your fitness and health goals will determine ....

Maximizing ROI with Facebook Ad Bidding Strategies

  • March 5, 2024

One of the keys to success with Facebook advertising is implementing the right bidding strategy. 

The bidding on your campaigns determines your daily budget and what users ultimately see in your ads. To maximize ROI, it's crucial to choose and optimize bids based on campaign objectives.

Certain bid types work better for specific goals like conversions, video views, or engagement. Testing and tweaking bids allows you to find the right balance between reach, frequency, and performance. Follow these tips to ensure your Facebook ad bidding aligns with maximizing ROI.

Optimization Bids for Performance Prioritization

For conversion-focused objectives, use bid optimization. Set your campaign to optimize for a goal like purchases, leads, or other conversions rather than impressions. 

Facebook will automatically adjust bids to target users most likely to convert based on data and signals. This typically provides the best ROI.

Lower Cost Per Conversion with CBO

Try campaign budget optimization (CBO) which distributes your daily budget across ad sets to automatically find the best possible ROI. 

Facebook puts more money behind top-performing targets and creativity. CBO minimizes CPC and drives more conversions per dollar.

Meet Objectives within the Target CPA Range

If you have a specific return on ad spend (ROAS) or cost per acquisition (CPA) goal, use target cost bidding optimized for conversions. Set a max/target CPA and Facebook bids to achieve it. Great for maintaining profitability at scale.

Bid Higher for Cold Audiences vs. Retargeting

For top-of-funnel goals with cold audiences, use higher bids to increase reach and impressions to gather data. For lower funnel remarketing, bids can be lower to simply stay visible to existing warm leads and customers. Adjust bids per audience.

Manual Bidding for Control

Manually set bids for full control. Tightly manage bids per placement, audience, daypart, etc. Manual works well for smaller spend campaigns where you need optimization precision. Leverage learnings to guide your bidding decisions.

Meet Business Goals with Return on Ad Spend Bidding

If you want a specific ROAS, use the bid strategy optimized for ROAS. Input your target return (ex. 3X) and Facebook sets bids to achieve that goal. Great for maximizing revenue from campaigns within set profit requirements.

Bid Aggressively for Engagement Objectives

When aiming for engagement like video views, post reactions, shares, etc., bid aggressively to beat competitors. Prioritize reach over targeting here - lower bids will hurt visibility. Maximum rate bidding maximizes delivery for engagement goals.

Bid Higher During High Intent Buying Times

Analyze when your audience is most likely to engage and convert, then increase bids during those high-intent moments. Weekends, evenings for e-commerce; weekdays for B2B; event tie-ins, etc. Ride momentum with bid peaks when audiences are most receptive.

Test and Scale Highest Performing Ad Sets

Let testing determine optimal bids. Start with multiple ad sets at different bid amounts. Scale up bids on outperforming placements, audiences, and creatives achieving KPIs. Reduce poor-performing ad set bids to optimize delivery around what succeeds.

Leveraging the array of smart bidding options on Facebook is pivotal to maximizing your ad ROI. Match bid strategies to overarching campaign goals. Continually test, monitor, and refine bidding for optimal budget allocation and returns. Your bids are a powerful optimization lever.

Bid Down to Kill Poor Performers Gradually

Rather than pausing poorly performing ad sets, lower bids incrementally day-by-day until they phase themselves out. This keeps campaigns running smoothly, allowing time to spin up new creatives and audiences. Gradual tweaks are best.

Schedule Bid Changes Based on Daypart Trends

Use automatic bid scheduling tailored around daypart trends you’ve identified. Raise bids during peak engagement and conversion times; lower them during lulls. Schedule changes ahead of time to optimize daily pacing and performance.

Dynamic Creative Bidding Based on User Data

Let dynamic creative bidding automatically show higher intent users more persuasive versions of your ads. For example, target high-value purchasers with special offers. Personalized creative gets bid up automatically.

Top of Funnel Discovery Campaigns

Run broad-reach discovery campaigns optimized for awareness and data gathering rather than a direct response by bidding for more reach over ROI. Get critical learning about new audiences to build into your marketing funnel.

Video Views Bid Strategy for Maximizing Watch Time

When you want maximum video views and watch time, use one of Facebook's video view-focused bid strategies. Letting Facebook optimize for longer watches will boost visibility and viewership metrics. This is different from your normal campaigns


Maintaining bidding hygiene across campaigns is essential for Facebook advertising success. Align strategies to objectives, act on data, personalize approaches, and iterate frequently. With smart bidding, you get the most bang for your buck.

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