Snapchat Agency Ad Account? Why Should we need one? 2024 

  • 10 mins read
  • By Darian Cordes
  • March 20, 2024

A Snapchat Agency Ad Account is a specialized advertising solution offered by Snapchat to marketing agencies, advertisers, and businesses looking to run large-scale ad campaigns on the platform. It provides advanced capabilities and features that go beyond what a regular Snapchat Ads account offers.

Who Should Use a Snapchat Agency Ad Account?

1. Marketing Agencies and Digital Agencies

If you're an agency managing multiple client accounts or running large-scale campaigns across various industries, a Snapchat Agency Ad Account is essential. It allows for efficient management of all your clients' campaigns from a centralized dashboard, ensuring better organization, collaboration, and results.

2. Large Enterprises and Brands

For major enterprises, global brands, and businesses with substantial advertising budgets and complex marketing initiatives, an agency account provides the robust tools and resources needed to manage campaigns seamlessly across different regions, audiences, and platforms.

3. Ecommerce Businesses and Online Retailers

With advanced targeting options, dynamic product ads, and real-time optimization capabilities, agency accounts can help ecommerce businesses and online retailers maximize their return on ad spend (ROAS) and drive more sales on Snapchat.

4. Advertisers Seeking Professional Expertise

If you lack the in-house expertise or resources to effectively manage and optimize your Snapchat advertising campaigns, partnering with a certified Snapchat Partner agency can provide access to professional guidance, creative services, and campaign management support.

5. Brands with Strict Brand Safety Requirements

Agency accounts offer enhanced brand safety controls and whitelisting features, ensuring your ads appear inappropriate, in brand-suitable contexts aligned with your brand values and guidelines.

6. Advertisers Requiring Premium Ad Formats

If your marketing strategy involves leveraging Snapchat's premium ad formats, such as Sponsored Lenses, Snap Ads with extended features, or exclusive placements like the Snap Map and Discover Feed, an agency account must access these advanced offerings.

7. Businesses Seeking Advanced Analytics and Reporting

For advertisers who require in-depth campaign insights, granular performance data, and robust reporting capabilities to drive data-driven optimizations and strategic decision-making, a Snapchat Agency Ad Account provides the comprehensive analytics and reporting tools needed.

By utilizing a Snapchat Agency Ad Account, businesses and advertisers can leverage advanced targeting, optimization tools, premium ad formats, dedicated support, and robust analytics to run high-impact campaigns that effectively reach and engage their target audiences on Snapchat's platform.

What is the Difference Between a Personal and Agency Account?

While personal Snapchat ad accounts are suitable for individual advertisers or small businesses running basic campaigns, agency accounts offer a significantly more robust and comprehensive advertising solution. Here's a breakdown of the key differences between the two:

Account Management

  • Personal: Limited to managing just your own advertising account
  • Agency: Ability to efficiently manage and monitor multiple client accounts from a centralized dashboard

Advertising Capabilities

  • Personal: Access to standard ad formats and placements
  • Agency: Unlock premium ad formats (Sponsored Lenses, extended Snap Ads), exclusive placements (Snap Map, Discover Feed), and advanced targeting options

Support and Optimization

  • Personal: Self-service support and campaign optimization
  • Agency: Dedicated support from Snapchat's expert teams, including account optimization specialists and creative strategists

Brand Safety Controls

  • Personal: Basic brand safety and ad placement controls
  • Agency: Enhanced whitelisting, inventory filters, and brand suitability measures

Budgeting and Payment

  • Personal: Personal payment methods with limited flexibility
  • Agency: More flexible payment options to accommodate larger ad spend budgets across clients

Reporting and Analytics

  • Personal: Access to basic performance reporting
  • Agency: Comprehensive reporting dashboards with in-depth audience insights and granular campaign analytics

Campaign Management

  • Personal: Manual campaign creation and optimization
  • Agency: Bulk campaign management tools and automation capabilities for efficiency

Overall, while personal accounts are suitable for running basic Snapchat ad campaigns, agency accounts provide the advanced features, dedicated support, robust analytics, and premium advertising capabilities required for sophisticated, large-scale campaigns across multiple clients or markets.

For individual advertisers with modest needs, a personal account may suffice. However, agencies and enterprises serious about maximizing their impact on Snapchat require the power and flexibility of an agency account.

6 Features of  Snapchat Agency Ad Account

A Snapchat Agency Ad Account is packed with powerful features designed to help marketers and agencies run sophisticated and effective ad campaigns on Snapchat's platform. Here are six standout features that come with having an agency account:

  1. Centralized Client Account Management With the Ads Manager, you can easily manage and monitor multiple client accounts and campaigns from a single, centralized dashboard. This unified command center allows for seamless client segmentation, collaboration, and campaign oversight across various teams and clients.
  2. Advanced Targeting and Optimization Tools Gain access to sophisticated targeting options like custom audiences, advanced demographic filters, and real-time optimization tools powered by machine learning. These capabilities help ensure your ads are delivered to the most relevant and engaged audiences for maximum impact.
  3. Premium Ad Formats and Placements Unlock Snapchat's premium ad formats, such as Sponsored Lenses, Snap Ads with extended features (like attachments and app install prompts), and exclusive ad placements like the Snap Map and Discover Feed. These premium offerings can help create more engaging and impactful ad experiences.
  4. Dedicated Support and Strategic Guidance As an official Snapchat Partner, you get dedicated support from Snapchat's expert teams, including account optimization specialists and creative strategists. They can provide guidance on best practices, campaign optimizations, and creative strategies to maximize your ad performance.
  5. Comprehensive Campaign Reporting and Analytics Access in-depth reporting dashboards with granular insights into campaign performance, audience engagement metrics, and detailed analytics. These data-rich insights empower you to make informed, data-driven decisions and optimizations for better results.
  6. Bulk Campaign Management and Automation Efficiently create, manage, and optimize multiple campaigns simultaneously through bulk editing tools and automation capabilities. This can save significant time and streamline processes, especially for agencies managing numerous client campaigns.

With features like advanced targeting, premium ad formats, dedicated support, robust analytics, and streamlined campaign management, a Snapchat Agency Ad Account empowers marketers and agencies to run highly effective and engaging ad campaigns on Snapchat's platform, reaching their target audiences with precision and driving better returns on their advertising investments.

Why You Should Use a Snapchat Agency Ad Account

One powerful solution that can give you a significant competitive edge is leveraging a Snapchat Agency Ad Account. 

Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider using one:

Reach the Coveted Gen Z and Millennial Audiences 

Snapchat is a platform that resonates strongly with younger demographics, particularly Gen Z and Millennials. With a Snapchat Agency Ad Account, you gain access to advanced targeting capabilities that allow you to precisely reach and engage these valuable audiences, who are often trendsetters and early adopters.

Unlock Premium Ad Formats and Immersive Experiences Snapchat is known for its innovative and engaging ad formats, such as Sponsored Lenses, Snap Ads with extended features, and exclusive placements like the Snap Map and Discover Feed. With an Agency Ad Account, you can leverage these premium offerings to create truly immersive and memorable ad experiences that captivate your target audience.

Benefit from Dedicated Support and Strategic Guidance 

As an official Snapchat Partner, you'll have access to dedicated support from Snapchat's expert teams, including account optimization specialists and creative strategists. Their guidance can help you navigate the platform, implement best practices, and develop creative strategies that drive real results.

Streamline Campaign Management and Maximize Efficiency 

Managing multiple client campaigns can be time-consuming and complex. With a Snapchat Agency Ad Account, you gain access to bulk campaign management tools and automation capabilities that can streamline processes, save time, and maximize efficiency, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives.

Future-Proof Your Advertising Efforts 

By partnering with Snapchat and leveraging an Agency Ad Account, you'll have early access to new ad policies, beta features, and upcoming innovations. This ensures that your advertising efforts remain future-proof and at the forefront of the latest trends and technologies in the digital advertising landscape.

Final Words

A Snapchat Agency Ad Account is a powerful solution that can provide you with the advanced capabilities, dedicated support, and data-driven insights necessary to succeed on one of the most influential and innovative social media platforms.

Darian Cordes
CEO of Ecomparkour
As an eCommerce Solutions Provider and Facebook Ad compliance expert, I’m driving success at Ecom Parkour by ensuring that advertising efforts are both impactful and compliant.
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By Darian Cordes
10 mins read

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Snapchat Agency Ad Account? Why Should we need one? 2024 

  • March 20, 2024

A Snapchat Agency Ad Account is a specialized advertising solution offered by Snapchat to marketing agencies, advertisers, and businesses looking to run large-scale ad campaigns on the platform. It provides advanced capabilities and features that go beyond what a regular Snapchat Ads account offers.

Who Should Use a Snapchat Agency Ad Account?

1. Marketing Agencies and Digital Agencies

If you're an agency managing multiple client accounts or running large-scale campaigns across various industries, a Snapchat Agency Ad Account is essential. It allows for efficient management of all your clients' campaigns from a centralized dashboard, ensuring better organization, collaboration, and results.

2. Large Enterprises and Brands

For major enterprises, global brands, and businesses with substantial advertising budgets and complex marketing initiatives, an agency account provides the robust tools and resources needed to manage campaigns seamlessly across different regions, audiences, and platforms.

3. Ecommerce Businesses and Online Retailers

With advanced targeting options, dynamic product ads, and real-time optimization capabilities, agency accounts can help ecommerce businesses and online retailers maximize their return on ad spend (ROAS) and drive more sales on Snapchat.

4. Advertisers Seeking Professional Expertise

If you lack the in-house expertise or resources to effectively manage and optimize your Snapchat advertising campaigns, partnering with a certified Snapchat Partner agency can provide access to professional guidance, creative services, and campaign management support.

5. Brands with Strict Brand Safety Requirements

Agency accounts offer enhanced brand safety controls and whitelisting features, ensuring your ads appear inappropriate, in brand-suitable contexts aligned with your brand values and guidelines.

6. Advertisers Requiring Premium Ad Formats

If your marketing strategy involves leveraging Snapchat's premium ad formats, such as Sponsored Lenses, Snap Ads with extended features, or exclusive placements like the Snap Map and Discover Feed, an agency account must access these advanced offerings.

7. Businesses Seeking Advanced Analytics and Reporting

For advertisers who require in-depth campaign insights, granular performance data, and robust reporting capabilities to drive data-driven optimizations and strategic decision-making, a Snapchat Agency Ad Account provides the comprehensive analytics and reporting tools needed.

By utilizing a Snapchat Agency Ad Account, businesses and advertisers can leverage advanced targeting, optimization tools, premium ad formats, dedicated support, and robust analytics to run high-impact campaigns that effectively reach and engage their target audiences on Snapchat's platform.

What is the Difference Between a Personal and Agency Account?

While personal Snapchat ad accounts are suitable for individual advertisers or small businesses running basic campaigns, agency accounts offer a significantly more robust and comprehensive advertising solution. Here's a breakdown of the key differences between the two:

Account Management

  • Personal: Limited to managing just your own advertising account
  • Agency: Ability to efficiently manage and monitor multiple client accounts from a centralized dashboard

Advertising Capabilities

  • Personal: Access to standard ad formats and placements
  • Agency: Unlock premium ad formats (Sponsored Lenses, extended Snap Ads), exclusive placements (Snap Map, Discover Feed), and advanced targeting options

Support and Optimization

  • Personal: Self-service support and campaign optimization
  • Agency: Dedicated support from Snapchat's expert teams, including account optimization specialists and creative strategists

Brand Safety Controls

  • Personal: Basic brand safety and ad placement controls
  • Agency: Enhanced whitelisting, inventory filters, and brand suitability measures

Budgeting and Payment

  • Personal: Personal payment methods with limited flexibility
  • Agency: More flexible payment options to accommodate larger ad spend budgets across clients

Reporting and Analytics

  • Personal: Access to basic performance reporting
  • Agency: Comprehensive reporting dashboards with in-depth audience insights and granular campaign analytics

Campaign Management

  • Personal: Manual campaign creation and optimization
  • Agency: Bulk campaign management tools and automation capabilities for efficiency

Overall, while personal accounts are suitable for running basic Snapchat ad campaigns, agency accounts provide the advanced features, dedicated support, robust analytics, and premium advertising capabilities required for sophisticated, large-scale campaigns across multiple clients or markets.

For individual advertisers with modest needs, a personal account may suffice. However, agencies and enterprises serious about maximizing their impact on Snapchat require the power and flexibility of an agency account.

6 Features of  Snapchat Agency Ad Account

A Snapchat Agency Ad Account is packed with powerful features designed to help marketers and agencies run sophisticated and effective ad campaigns on Snapchat's platform. Here are six standout features that come with having an agency account:

  1. Centralized Client Account Management With the Ads Manager, you can easily manage and monitor multiple client accounts and campaigns from a single, centralized dashboard. This unified command center allows for seamless client segmentation, collaboration, and campaign oversight across various teams and clients.
  2. Advanced Targeting and Optimization Tools Gain access to sophisticated targeting options like custom audiences, advanced demographic filters, and real-time optimization tools powered by machine learning. These capabilities help ensure your ads are delivered to the most relevant and engaged audiences for maximum impact.
  3. Premium Ad Formats and Placements Unlock Snapchat's premium ad formats, such as Sponsored Lenses, Snap Ads with extended features (like attachments and app install prompts), and exclusive ad placements like the Snap Map and Discover Feed. These premium offerings can help create more engaging and impactful ad experiences.
  4. Dedicated Support and Strategic Guidance As an official Snapchat Partner, you get dedicated support from Snapchat's expert teams, including account optimization specialists and creative strategists. They can provide guidance on best practices, campaign optimizations, and creative strategies to maximize your ad performance.
  5. Comprehensive Campaign Reporting and Analytics Access in-depth reporting dashboards with granular insights into campaign performance, audience engagement metrics, and detailed analytics. These data-rich insights empower you to make informed, data-driven decisions and optimizations for better results.
  6. Bulk Campaign Management and Automation Efficiently create, manage, and optimize multiple campaigns simultaneously through bulk editing tools and automation capabilities. This can save significant time and streamline processes, especially for agencies managing numerous client campaigns.

With features like advanced targeting, premium ad formats, dedicated support, robust analytics, and streamlined campaign management, a Snapchat Agency Ad Account empowers marketers and agencies to run highly effective and engaging ad campaigns on Snapchat's platform, reaching their target audiences with precision and driving better returns on their advertising investments.

Why You Should Use a Snapchat Agency Ad Account

One powerful solution that can give you a significant competitive edge is leveraging a Snapchat Agency Ad Account. 

Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider using one:

Reach the Coveted Gen Z and Millennial Audiences 

Snapchat is a platform that resonates strongly with younger demographics, particularly Gen Z and Millennials. With a Snapchat Agency Ad Account, you gain access to advanced targeting capabilities that allow you to precisely reach and engage these valuable audiences, who are often trendsetters and early adopters.

Unlock Premium Ad Formats and Immersive Experiences Snapchat is known for its innovative and engaging ad formats, such as Sponsored Lenses, Snap Ads with extended features, and exclusive placements like the Snap Map and Discover Feed. With an Agency Ad Account, you can leverage these premium offerings to create truly immersive and memorable ad experiences that captivate your target audience.

Benefit from Dedicated Support and Strategic Guidance 

As an official Snapchat Partner, you'll have access to dedicated support from Snapchat's expert teams, including account optimization specialists and creative strategists. Their guidance can help you navigate the platform, implement best practices, and develop creative strategies that drive real results.

Streamline Campaign Management and Maximize Efficiency 

Managing multiple client campaigns can be time-consuming and complex. With a Snapchat Agency Ad Account, you gain access to bulk campaign management tools and automation capabilities that can streamline processes, save time, and maximize efficiency, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives.

Future-Proof Your Advertising Efforts 

By partnering with Snapchat and leveraging an Agency Ad Account, you'll have early access to new ad policies, beta features, and upcoming innovations. This ensures that your advertising efforts remain future-proof and at the forefront of the latest trends and technologies in the digital advertising landscape.

Final Words

A Snapchat Agency Ad Account is a powerful solution that can provide you with the advanced capabilities, dedicated support, and data-driven insights necessary to succeed on one of the most influential and innovative social media platforms.

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