5 Tips for Troubleshooting Facebook Ads Not Spending

  • 8 mins read
  • By Jason Loyed
  • March 11, 2024

Are you frustrated with Facebook ads, I can understand when you are all set to promote your ads and suddenly you realize that your Facebook ads do not start spending the funds.

This is the real pain, but don’t worry today we will share with you 5 amazing tips that can help you to start your spending.

Tips for Facebook Ads Spending

In today’s article, I will share 5 simple tips that are simple but very effective if you can read these tips carefully till the end then you are 100% available to improve your spending chances on Facebook ads.

So let's start and dive into the topic.

1. Check Your Audience Targeting

When it comes to your Facebook ads not spending as expected, one of the first things you'll want to look at is your audience targeting. Who exactly are you trying to reach with these ads?

You see, if your targeting is too narrow or specific, you're limiting the pool of people who could potentially see your ad. It's like trying to sell ice cream in the Arctic - not many takers, right?

So take a good hard look at the audiences you've defined. Are the location parameters too restrictive? Are you filtering out too many demographics or interests? Sometimes you need to open up those targeting options a bit to give your ads more breathing room.

Think of it this way - the broader your targeting, the more opportunities your ad has to find those interested potential customers. As long as your offer is relevant, don't be afraid to expand the net somewhat.

That said, you don't want to go too crazy broad either. There's a balance to strike between laser-focused and so wide-ranging that your message gets lost in the noise. Do a little experimenting and see what works.

2. Review Your Ad Placements

When you're setting up Facebook ads, you get to pick where exactly on the platform those ads will show up - and believe me, those placements can make a big difference!

Are your ads only running in the Facebook news feed right now? Maybe it's time to shake things up a bit and experiment with some new placements. The audience behavior and engagement can vary quite a bit depending on where your ad lands.

For example, ads in Instagram Stories tend to see much higher engagement rates compared to regular old news feed ads. People are already in that quick-scroll mode when watching Stories. A well-timed, eye-catching ad has a great chance to grab their attention.

Or what about the Audience Network? Don't sleep on putting your ads on third-party apps and mobile games. You'd be surprised how many people happily click through while zoning out playing Candy Crush.

My advice? Don't get too married to any single placement. Try mixing and matching to find what combo works best for your specific product or offer. Keep those winners, and ditch the duds. It's an experiment!

And don't forget about placement optimization either. Facebook can automatically show your ads across the best placements for your goals if you let their machine learning do the heavy lifting.

3. Analyze Your Bid Strategy

Bidding on Facebook ads is a bit of a balancing act, you know? You want to be competitive to get your ads in front of the right eyeballs, but you also don't want to overpay and blow your whole budget in a day.

The bid strategy you choose plays a huge role in how much you end up shelling out and how well your ads perform. It's not something to just set and forget about.

If your ads aren't spending, one potential culprit could be your bid caps are set too low compared to the competition. Facebook is going to prioritize ads with higher bid values when determining which ones get premium placement and delivery.

On the flip side, maybe your bids are just too darn high across the board. This can drain that budget quickly without necessarily leading to more conversions. Something to look out for!

Instead of just winging it with manual bidding, you may want to experiment with automated bid strategies too. Things like bid capping can help maximize your budget while still staying competitive.

And if you're struggling to find that bidding sweet spot, don't be afraid to let Facebook's AI do the heavy lifting. Their auto-bidding algorithms are crazy smart and can optimize bids at a super granular level.

At the end of the day, your bid strategy is going to make or break your ad's ability to efficiently reach your audience. It's not a set-it-and-forget-it thing - you gotta stay engaged and adjust those bids regularly based on performance.

4. Page is Unpublished

Before taking any action, the first step is to check your Facebook page. Sometimes, Facebook may unpublish your page, causing your ads to stop spending funds.

Instead of panicking, practice patience. Verify if your page is properly published. If not, investigate the reason and review the necessary steps.

Once you are certain about the status of your page, give it some time and check again to see if your spending resumes.

If your page is confirmed to be okay, you can skip the waiting period and proceed with an alternative method

5. New Facebook Ads Account

Starting a brand new ad account or Business Manager on Facebook? Don't be surprised if your ads don't start spending money right away. It's totally normal, so no need to panic!

This is a common reason why people create new ad accounts or business managers and initiate their ads, but the funds are not being spent because it's a new account.

It can take up to 4 to 5 hours for a new account to start spending. So, keep in mind, there's no need to panic. Stay calm and wait for 4 to 5 hours. Once this time has passed, you can observe your ads beginning to perform


So, this is all the tips I have shared with you guys hope you can follow these tips as I mentioned above,

Tell us in the comment section or join our ecom parkour channels like Discord, Telegram, Skype, and Whatsapp to send your feedback. 

We are happy to see you as a part of our community we sharing these types of amazing things in our community channels.

Jason Loyed
Co Founder of Ecomparkour
As a Paid Media & Web Analytics Specialist, I accelerate e-commerce brand growth by leveraging paid media, data tracking, and web analysis to optimise digital strategies.
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By Jason Loyed
8 mins read

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Zumba is an effective exercise that burns 600 to 1,000 calories daily. Your fitness and health goals will determine ....

5 Tips for Troubleshooting Facebook Ads Not Spending

  • March 11, 2024

Are you frustrated with Facebook ads, I can understand when you are all set to promote your ads and suddenly you realize that your Facebook ads do not start spending the funds.

This is the real pain, but don’t worry today we will share with you 5 amazing tips that can help you to start your spending.

Tips for Facebook Ads Spending

In today’s article, I will share 5 simple tips that are simple but very effective if you can read these tips carefully till the end then you are 100% available to improve your spending chances on Facebook ads.

So let's start and dive into the topic.

1. Check Your Audience Targeting

When it comes to your Facebook ads not spending as expected, one of the first things you'll want to look at is your audience targeting. Who exactly are you trying to reach with these ads?

You see, if your targeting is too narrow or specific, you're limiting the pool of people who could potentially see your ad. It's like trying to sell ice cream in the Arctic - not many takers, right?

So take a good hard look at the audiences you've defined. Are the location parameters too restrictive? Are you filtering out too many demographics or interests? Sometimes you need to open up those targeting options a bit to give your ads more breathing room.

Think of it this way - the broader your targeting, the more opportunities your ad has to find those interested potential customers. As long as your offer is relevant, don't be afraid to expand the net somewhat.

That said, you don't want to go too crazy broad either. There's a balance to strike between laser-focused and so wide-ranging that your message gets lost in the noise. Do a little experimenting and see what works.

2. Review Your Ad Placements

When you're setting up Facebook ads, you get to pick where exactly on the platform those ads will show up - and believe me, those placements can make a big difference!

Are your ads only running in the Facebook news feed right now? Maybe it's time to shake things up a bit and experiment with some new placements. The audience behavior and engagement can vary quite a bit depending on where your ad lands.

For example, ads in Instagram Stories tend to see much higher engagement rates compared to regular old news feed ads. People are already in that quick-scroll mode when watching Stories. A well-timed, eye-catching ad has a great chance to grab their attention.

Or what about the Audience Network? Don't sleep on putting your ads on third-party apps and mobile games. You'd be surprised how many people happily click through while zoning out playing Candy Crush.

My advice? Don't get too married to any single placement. Try mixing and matching to find what combo works best for your specific product or offer. Keep those winners, and ditch the duds. It's an experiment!

And don't forget about placement optimization either. Facebook can automatically show your ads across the best placements for your goals if you let their machine learning do the heavy lifting.

3. Analyze Your Bid Strategy

Bidding on Facebook ads is a bit of a balancing act, you know? You want to be competitive to get your ads in front of the right eyeballs, but you also don't want to overpay and blow your whole budget in a day.

The bid strategy you choose plays a huge role in how much you end up shelling out and how well your ads perform. It's not something to just set and forget about.

If your ads aren't spending, one potential culprit could be your bid caps are set too low compared to the competition. Facebook is going to prioritize ads with higher bid values when determining which ones get premium placement and delivery.

On the flip side, maybe your bids are just too darn high across the board. This can drain that budget quickly without necessarily leading to more conversions. Something to look out for!

Instead of just winging it with manual bidding, you may want to experiment with automated bid strategies too. Things like bid capping can help maximize your budget while still staying competitive.

And if you're struggling to find that bidding sweet spot, don't be afraid to let Facebook's AI do the heavy lifting. Their auto-bidding algorithms are crazy smart and can optimize bids at a super granular level.

At the end of the day, your bid strategy is going to make or break your ad's ability to efficiently reach your audience. It's not a set-it-and-forget-it thing - you gotta stay engaged and adjust those bids regularly based on performance.

4. Page is Unpublished

Before taking any action, the first step is to check your Facebook page. Sometimes, Facebook may unpublish your page, causing your ads to stop spending funds.

Instead of panicking, practice patience. Verify if your page is properly published. If not, investigate the reason and review the necessary steps.

Once you are certain about the status of your page, give it some time and check again to see if your spending resumes.

If your page is confirmed to be okay, you can skip the waiting period and proceed with an alternative method

5. New Facebook Ads Account

Starting a brand new ad account or Business Manager on Facebook? Don't be surprised if your ads don't start spending money right away. It's totally normal, so no need to panic!

This is a common reason why people create new ad accounts or business managers and initiate their ads, but the funds are not being spent because it's a new account.

It can take up to 4 to 5 hours for a new account to start spending. So, keep in mind, there's no need to panic. Stay calm and wait for 4 to 5 hours. Once this time has passed, you can observe your ads beginning to perform


So, this is all the tips I have shared with you guys hope you can follow these tips as I mentioned above,

Tell us in the comment section or join our ecom parkour channels like Discord, Telegram, Skype, and Whatsapp to send your feedback. 

We are happy to see you as a part of our community we sharing these types of amazing things in our community channels.

We are your trusted marketing partner, specializing in helping you buy Facebook accounts, and dedicated to unlocking your business's full potential.
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Email: hongkong@ecomparkour.com

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