Facebook Carousel Ads: Guide, Definition and How to Use

  • 5 mins read
  • By Darian Cordes
  • February 21, 2024

Facebook Carousel ads have been very popular lately. Businesses use them to promote all kinds of stuff - products, services, content, events and more.

In this guide, I'll explain what Facebook Carousel ads are, why you should use them, and how to make ones that get results.

What are Facebook Carousel Ads?

Carousel ads are slideshow-style Facebook ads. Instead of just showing one photo or video, you can share up to 10! People scroll through them horizontally by swiping or clicking.

The ads use AI to automatically show each person the images they seem most interested in. This makes them engaging and effective.

So In this article, I'll guide you from start to end on how you can use carousel ads, how to optimize carousel ads, and more so stick to the end.

Why You Should Use Carousel Ads on Facebook

There are many advantages to utilizing Facebook Carousel ads:

  • Showcase more products/content – Tell a deeper story by featuring more images, videos, or details not possible in a single static ad.
  • Increase engagement – The swipeable carousel format delivers much higher engagement rates from viewers.
  • Mobile-optimized – Carousels work great on mobile feeds where people scroll vertically already.
  • Flexible placements – Carousel ads can be used across Facebook and Instagram feeds, Instagram Stories, Audience Network, and more.
  • Dynamic optimization – Facebook automatically shows each viewer the optimal combination of images and content in real time.
  • Works for any objective – Carousels can drive conversions for e-commerce, generate leads, build awareness, and more.

How Much Do Carousel Ads Cost?

Carousel ads cost about the same as regular image and video ads on Facebook. You just set your budget and max bid like normal. The cost per click is usually $0.35 to $2 depending on competition.

The cool part is the slideshow format helps you get better results for your spending!

Carousel Ad Specs and Sizes

You can have 2 to 10 images or videos in a Carousel ad. They need to be:

  • Images: 1200 x 1200 pixels
  • Image text: 125 characters max
  • Link text: 30 characters max
  • Videos: 600 x 315 pixels minimum
  • Videos: Up to 60 seconds long

They'll resize automatically for desktop and mobile.

How to Create a Facebook Carousel Ad

Here I'll explain every step to create a carousel ad on Facebook so follow these steps to create optimized Carousel ads:

1. Choose Your Campaign Objective

First decide what action you want people to take when they see your ad - make a purchase, sign up for a webinar, etc.

Common objectives include:

  • Traffic - drive visits to your website
  • Engagement - get reactions, comments, shares
  • Conversions - get people to take a specific action
  • Catalog Sales - promote products from your catalog

The objective will influence your content strategy and targeting.

2. Set Up Your Ad Account

Make sure your Facebook ad account, payment method, and Facebook pixel are all set up properly before creating ads.

Have any necessary conversion events and value tracking configured. This is crucial for optimization.

3. Create Your Ad Set

Name your ad and set something specific like "Email Subscribers Carousel Ad."

Choose your budget, schedule, and placement types, and target the specific audience you want to reach.

4. Design Your Carousel Creative

This is where you assemble the compelling visuals and text for your Carousel ad.

  • Upload 2-10 high-quality, eye-catching images and videos that align with your goal.
  • Ensure your first image is extremely strong and will grab attention.
  • Add clear, concise text to every image including calls-to-action.
  • Maintain consistent branding across the Carousel content.

5. Connect Tracking Pixels

Double-check check the Facebook pixel, Google Analytics, and any other tracking pixels are properly implemented on your website before launching ads.

This allows monitoring the full customer journey from ad view to conversion.

6. Place Order and Submit for Review

Place your order and submit the Carousel ad for Facebook's review and approval. This usually takes less than 24 hours.

Once approved, your ad will start running across your selected placements and audiences.

7. Monitor and Optimize Performance

Use Facebook Ads Manager data and analytics to see which images and text are performing best. You can then increase budgets on top performers to get the most from your ad spend.

Continuously refine the content based on data to boost results over time. Carousel ads take iteration but the high engagement potential makes them extremely effective when optimized.

Facebook Carousel Ad Best Practices

Use these tips to create high-converting Carousel ads:

Engaging First Image - Hook viewers with an awesome first image and bold text.

Cohesive Storytelling - Build a story across the images to communicate key messages.

Clear Calls-to-Action - Add clickable calls-to-action to drive the desired action.

Varied Visual Content - Blend images, videos, graphics, etc. for maximum engagement.

Concise Text - Use brief, readable text and avoid big blocks of copy.

Dynamic Testing - Test different versions to let Facebook optimize the best performer.

Target Warm Audiences - Target engaged visitors and email subscribers.

Drive Clicks to Relevant Pages - Send traffic to specific landing pages or products.

Retarget Engaged Users - Remarket visitors who previously engaged.

Analyze Performance Data - Optimize based on metric

The more you test and optimize, the better your Carousel ads will convert!


And there you have it - a beginner's guide to Facebook Carousel ads. They're a really effective way to grab attention and get results. Give them a try for your business!

Let me know if you have any other questions.

If you want some resources like a Facebook agency ad account for hassle-free advertising on Facebook you can contact us by sending a WhatsApp text to the given number on the website.

Darian Cordes
CEO of Ecomparkour
As an eCommerce Solutions Provider and Facebook Ad compliance expert, I’m driving success at Ecom Parkour by ensuring that advertising efforts are both impactful and compliant.
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By Darian Cordes
5 mins read

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Zumba is an effective exercise that burns 600 to 1,000 calories daily. Your fitness and health goals will determine ....

Facebook Carousel Ads: Guide, Definition and How to Use

  • February 21, 2024

Facebook Carousel ads have been very popular lately. Businesses use them to promote all kinds of stuff - products, services, content, events and more.

In this guide, I'll explain what Facebook Carousel ads are, why you should use them, and how to make ones that get results.

What are Facebook Carousel Ads?

Carousel ads are slideshow-style Facebook ads. Instead of just showing one photo or video, you can share up to 10! People scroll through them horizontally by swiping or clicking.

The ads use AI to automatically show each person the images they seem most interested in. This makes them engaging and effective.

So In this article, I'll guide you from start to end on how you can use carousel ads, how to optimize carousel ads, and more so stick to the end.

Why You Should Use Carousel Ads on Facebook

There are many advantages to utilizing Facebook Carousel ads:

  • Showcase more products/content – Tell a deeper story by featuring more images, videos, or details not possible in a single static ad.
  • Increase engagement – The swipeable carousel format delivers much higher engagement rates from viewers.
  • Mobile-optimized – Carousels work great on mobile feeds where people scroll vertically already.
  • Flexible placements – Carousel ads can be used across Facebook and Instagram feeds, Instagram Stories, Audience Network, and more.
  • Dynamic optimization – Facebook automatically shows each viewer the optimal combination of images and content in real time.
  • Works for any objective – Carousels can drive conversions for e-commerce, generate leads, build awareness, and more.

How Much Do Carousel Ads Cost?

Carousel ads cost about the same as regular image and video ads on Facebook. You just set your budget and max bid like normal. The cost per click is usually $0.35 to $2 depending on competition.

The cool part is the slideshow format helps you get better results for your spending!

Carousel Ad Specs and Sizes

You can have 2 to 10 images or videos in a Carousel ad. They need to be:

  • Images: 1200 x 1200 pixels
  • Image text: 125 characters max
  • Link text: 30 characters max
  • Videos: 600 x 315 pixels minimum
  • Videos: Up to 60 seconds long

They'll resize automatically for desktop and mobile.

How to Create a Facebook Carousel Ad

Here I'll explain every step to create a carousel ad on Facebook so follow these steps to create optimized Carousel ads:

1. Choose Your Campaign Objective

First decide what action you want people to take when they see your ad - make a purchase, sign up for a webinar, etc.

Common objectives include:

  • Traffic - drive visits to your website
  • Engagement - get reactions, comments, shares
  • Conversions - get people to take a specific action
  • Catalog Sales - promote products from your catalog

The objective will influence your content strategy and targeting.

2. Set Up Your Ad Account

Make sure your Facebook ad account, payment method, and Facebook pixel are all set up properly before creating ads.

Have any necessary conversion events and value tracking configured. This is crucial for optimization.

3. Create Your Ad Set

Name your ad and set something specific like "Email Subscribers Carousel Ad."

Choose your budget, schedule, and placement types, and target the specific audience you want to reach.

4. Design Your Carousel Creative

This is where you assemble the compelling visuals and text for your Carousel ad.

  • Upload 2-10 high-quality, eye-catching images and videos that align with your goal.
  • Ensure your first image is extremely strong and will grab attention.
  • Add clear, concise text to every image including calls-to-action.
  • Maintain consistent branding across the Carousel content.

5. Connect Tracking Pixels

Double-check check the Facebook pixel, Google Analytics, and any other tracking pixels are properly implemented on your website before launching ads.

This allows monitoring the full customer journey from ad view to conversion.

6. Place Order and Submit for Review

Place your order and submit the Carousel ad for Facebook's review and approval. This usually takes less than 24 hours.

Once approved, your ad will start running across your selected placements and audiences.

7. Monitor and Optimize Performance

Use Facebook Ads Manager data and analytics to see which images and text are performing best. You can then increase budgets on top performers to get the most from your ad spend.

Continuously refine the content based on data to boost results over time. Carousel ads take iteration but the high engagement potential makes them extremely effective when optimized.

Facebook Carousel Ad Best Practices

Use these tips to create high-converting Carousel ads:

Engaging First Image - Hook viewers with an awesome first image and bold text.

Cohesive Storytelling - Build a story across the images to communicate key messages.

Clear Calls-to-Action - Add clickable calls-to-action to drive the desired action.

Varied Visual Content - Blend images, videos, graphics, etc. for maximum engagement.

Concise Text - Use brief, readable text and avoid big blocks of copy.

Dynamic Testing - Test different versions to let Facebook optimize the best performer.

Target Warm Audiences - Target engaged visitors and email subscribers.

Drive Clicks to Relevant Pages - Send traffic to specific landing pages or products.

Retarget Engaged Users - Remarket visitors who previously engaged.

Analyze Performance Data - Optimize based on metric

The more you test and optimize, the better your Carousel ads will convert!


And there you have it - a beginner's guide to Facebook Carousel ads. They're a really effective way to grab attention and get results. Give them a try for your business!

Let me know if you have any other questions.

If you want some resources like a Facebook agency ad account for hassle-free advertising on Facebook you can contact us by sending a WhatsApp text to the given number on the website.

We are your trusted marketing partner, specializing in helping you buy Facebook accounts, and dedicated to unlocking your business's full potential.
Phone: +852 5362 7682
Email: hongkong@ecomparkour.com

Room 21, 4/F., Beverley Commercial Center87-105 Chatham Road SouthTsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon HONG KONG
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